Nikl zinek měď svařovací drát
Zink-kobber nikkel svejsning wire
Zink-koper-nikkellegeringen lasdraad
Zinc-copper nickel welding wire
Nickel cuivre zinc fils à souder
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Welding material

Zinc-copper nickel welding wire

Zinc-copper nickel welding wire Zinc-copper nickel welding wire Zinc-copper nickel welding wire

Type: Zinc-Copper Nickel MIG welding wire
Diameters: 0.8mm-2.0mm.
Material: Cu 46%-50%, Ni 9%-11%, Zn 33%-45%

Zinc-Copper Nickel MIG welding wire



BS EN14640

AWS A5.8

% (CuZn40Ni10) (CuZn40Ni10) RBCuZn-D
Cu 46.0-50.0 46.0-50.0 46.0-50.0
Al 0.01 - 0.01
Fe - - -
Mn - - -
Ni 9.0-11.0 9.0-11.0 9.0-11.0
P 0.25 - 0.25
Pb <=0.05 0.03 <=0.05
Si <=0.04-0.25 0.04-0.25 0.04-0.25
Sn - 0.8-1.1 -
Zn bal. bal, bal.

Utilized in the joins and gears of machinery ,automatic technological dinustries, and steel-furniture industries.It is suitable for surface corrosion resistance for cast iron,copper-alloy and nicke-alloy,as well as the joining welding fo cast iron.

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